How to Keep Garden Moles Away


Moles can be a real nuisance for homeowners. They can damage gardens and lawns and can be challenging to get rid of. But don’t worry because we got some pest advice from the pros like the new Thanos Home Info Hub (their blog), which is a great resource for DIY pest control with over 200 articles covering the most common USA home pest control critters to keep moles away from your home and garden. Follow these tips, and you will be able to enjoy your yard without having to worry about pesky moles.

Build a Fence

Occlusion is still the cheapest yet most effective method of getting rid of moles. If you have a mole problem in your yard, the first step is to build a fence around the perimeter of your property. This will prevent moles from being able to enter your yard in the first place.

There are two types of fences that you can use to keep moles out: physical and electronic:

  1. Physical fences are the most common type of fence used to keep moles out. They are made of metal, plastic, or concrete and stand about 18 inches tall. The holes in the fence should be small enough that moles cannot fit through them.
  2. Electronic fences are becoming more popular because they are easier to install and maintain than physical fences. They work by emitting a low-voltage electrical current that moles cannot cross.


Choose the Right Plants

Another way to keep moles away from your home is to choose the right plants. Moles are attracted to areas with lots of insects, so planting insect-repelling plants can help keep them away. Some plants that repel insects include:

  • Lavender
  • Marigolds
  • Citronella
  • Pennyroyal
  • Mint

These plants will not only help keep moles away, but they will also make your yard smell nice.

Remove Their Food Source

Moles are attracted to areas with lots of insects because they eat them. If you can remove the insects from your yard, you will also remove the food source that attracts moles.

There are a few ways that you can get rid of insects in your yard:

  1. Use insecticide – This is the most effective way to get rid of insects. There are many different types of insecticides available, so be sure to choose one specifically designed to kill the type of insects in your yard.
  2. Remove their hiding places – Insects like to hide in dark, moist areas. Remove any potential hiding places from your yards, such as piles of leaves or wood.
  3. Keep your lawn mowed – Long grass is a perfect place for insects to hide. Keep your lawn mowed short of making it less attractive to them.

By following these tips, you can keep moles away from your home and enjoy your yard again. Do you have any other tips for keeping moles away? Share them in the comments below.…

Air Conditioner: What You Should Know Before Buying One

home air conditioner

Choosing the right air conditioner for your home can be difficult. This is the time to start thinking about it, so you can plan ahead and not find yourself at the last minute asking your friend on duty for one of his portable used air conditioners. You can contact a professional air con expert that will advise you on the right type to buy.

outdoor air conditionerIf you don’t know how to find your way around the various technical specifications of the many air conditioners on the market, here are some practical tips to consider before purchasing any appliance.

Fixed Air Conditioner or Portable Air Conditioner?

This is the first distinction to be made: both types of air conditioners have their advantages and disadvantages, to be evaluated based on personal needs. Portable air conditioners are mobile, and no masonry work is needed for their installation. The only drawback is that it cannot cover all your rooms. A fixed air conditioner, on the other hand, can help cool your whole residence. The only drawback is that it has to be installed, so you must cater to the installation costs.

How Many Rooms Do I Need to Cool?

The number of rooms to be refreshed is another element to be evaluated. As I have already mentioned, if the need is to refrigerate only one room, a portable air conditioning solution is more than enough. On the contrary, if you are looking for an effective solution for the whole house or rooms of a specific size, it is better to choose a fixed system, which also ensures better performance.

The number of rooms also affects the evaluation of the number of indoor units (or split) to install. It is not necessary to install a split air conditioner for every single room: for example, if you have a corridor adjacent to the bedrooms, you can consider installing a single indoor unit in the corridor that pours the air conditioning towards the rooms, as long as these do not are excessively large. On the other hand, if the size of the rooms to be cooled is very large, you need to think about a multi-split air conditioning system.

What Should My Air Conditioner Do?

movable air conditionerIt may seem like a silly question, but it isn’t. If you buy an air conditioner, of course, it is because you need to cool the interior spaces of your home. But this is only the basic function. Especially for fixed installations, there is the possibility to choose between other options in addition to the cooling capacity.

For example, the heat pump models allow you to heat rooms in the cold period. In particular, they can be helpful in autumn, when the first colds arrive but you cannot yet turn on the heating by law. Installing a heat pump air conditioner is useful to meet this need. Another interesting feature can be the dehumidifier or integrated ionizer, which allows you to purify the air of the environment in which you live.…